And, now for my listening pleasures, more famous Texas Thunder. I love it!
That was an awesome storm last night. I slept like a rock. Odd that thunder is like a lullaby.
I do not want to update this spreadsheet for my 9:30 meeting. I want someone else to do it.
I can think of a few things...
Don't you give him any ideas or I'll start giving some to your daughter!
Surveying my desk I have discovered that there is nothing I want to work on.
Miracleman should take a look at xkcd today.
Happy Birthday, Fay!
Cute pics of CJ, Suzi.
My official statement on the day so far is "meh."
I'm tired and sore. I wanted to sleep in this morning, since I didn't have to work today.
I did not, for various reasons I will not go into. But now I'm tired and sore and cranky, and I want my own apartment already.
Happy birthday, Fay! We are all so lucky to know you in all your multifaceted snarky sexy adventurous wise loveliness. The day of your birth was a fortunate day for everyone who's ever met you.
Accomplishments of the day so far are: (a) dishes (mostly) washed and (b) coffee made and (mostly) consumed. Other than that, I've been beset by Matilda in a rare clingy-on-Mommy mood, draping herself on me and clinging to my neck and begging, "Holdy Mommy!" and "Cuddle!" and sometimes patting me on the head like I've been a good dog. She also wants me to post everything in ASSCAPS, but so far I've thwarted her.
"In God we trust" really needs to go, mostly because of many Americans not in fact trusting in God, partly because it feels like a violation of the whole render-unto-Caesar/render-unto-God distinction, and partly because despite all the recent do-overs our money is still so butt-fuckin'-ugly it's really an insult to God (not to mention graphic design and the art of engraving and practically every other creative endeavor in existence except possibly the guitar solo, and possibly our money insults even that, but at least our money doesn't claim to trust it on every single bill and coin).
Though maybe it should say, "In guitar solos we trust." In Latin.
I am a horrible girlfriend.
CBD has been up most of the night nauseated and miserable. So, I just asked him if he was up for any breakfast and, if so, what?
He responded, "Do we have any bacon?"
I said, "Yes, are you kidding me?"
He's eating oatmeal made with blueberry juice and a banana.