I'm a hell of a lot more likely to let my friends choose than my mother.
You've met my mother. I'd prefer for you to choose my husband, please. My mother would pick a Republican with a steady job who likes "Everyone Likes Raymond" and doesn't understand why people keep books.
The thought of what MY mother would pick for me is absolutely terrifying. Nope ... not even thinking about that.
I was on Zoloft for a little while, after I had my stroke. Seemingly, it's good for your brain, as well as depression. At least that's what the hot young neurologist told me.
I wonder if they'll get any actual Indians on that show. Or Orthodox Jews or something.
At least that's what the hot young neurologist told me.
Now I know why you didn't take me up on my offer to drive you to the hospital, you had a special friend!
Only AFTER I was there. sigh ... hot, young and SMART. The friend who escorted me home asked why I didn't introduce her; but I only saw him on rounds (when visitors weren't allowed) and by appointment afterwards.
OK, he was hot enough to warrant double-posting, but I didn't mean to!
The thought of my mother choosing who I marry freaks me right out. The rest of my immediate family might be allowed some input, but not her.
Oh so this. When I looked at the site, I immediately thought of a few friends who could, between them, probably do pretty well. But other than knowing, vaguely, what physical type I'm partial to, my Mom doesn't Get Me nearly well enough to be given that sort of responsibility.
You've met my mother. I'd prefer for you to choose my husband, please. My mother would pick a Republican with a steady job who likes "Everyone Likes Raymond" and doesn't understand why people keep books.
::Runs away::
Good Family Xmas Merge, GC!
So, tonight is my last night in Michigan. I fly back to L.A. tomorrow. Stoopid early. But it means I get into L.A. at, like, noon.
This has been a weird trip.
I got to see family I haven't seen in a while. That was mostly good (and occasionally stressful).
I also got to see people that I miss like a part of my own body, they are that important to me.
But this place is not home in any way shape or form any more. And damn, do I need to get back to LA. I need to smell the ocean, and see the mountains, and be surrounded by city and concrete and steel.
Michigan has a green color that I miss, and almost never get to see in California. But I need to get back to my home.
I don't know. Maybe the ground is just too still out here.
so ... New Yorkers don't trust air they can't see and Californians don't trust ground that doesn't move?