Tommy was my first (grown-up type) album ever, inherited from my sister. I know every song from beginning to end. I have performed the entire album many, many times to an imaginary audience of thousands. I wish there were video of 8 or 9 year-old me singing Acid Queen (a song which made NO sense to me at the time.)
It's still one of my favorite albums.
Jen, any chance you can make it to Dallas in the next 6 weeks or so?
Oh, I wish, omnis. I'd love to see a stage production, not to mention hang out with you and DJ. But I don't think the bank account will support those wishes. (However, if I suddenly get a windfall, I'm there!)
Did I miss DebetEsse's birthday? Or is it tomorrow? Many happies, either way, Debet.
Wow that was quite different from how I remember it, but I only saw the film once and it was on TV. I must have listened to side 2 more because it wasn't until the second half that I was sure they had changed stuff. And what were the MPAA smoking when they gave that a PG rating? Best Veuve Clicquot product placement ever. I hope that's the last time I hear Jack Nicholson sing.
the original Rock Opera album is different than the 1972 movie, which is different than the 1990's Broadway Musical. Of course, the version we are doing, is more true to the original version, but cherry picking from the other two versions. Of course then there was the whow Live At Leeds, which was slightly different, and we are cherry picking from too.
To be honest, I dunno which version is which anymore. And there are huge differences between the two. One of them has
captain walker killing the lover.
Another version has
the lover killing Captain Walker.
And of course, there is a version that apparently
kills Tommy
which I never recall from before.
The movie version has
the lover killing Captain Walker. Apparently by smashing him upside the head with a lamp.
Parts of the movie still seemed brilliant. Others did not stand the test of time. Tommy running in front of the blue screen while ocean scenes played out behind him was comically reminiscent of Whose Line is it Anyway?
I was also reminded of the incident that resulted in our no longer being allowed to bring in our own CDs to play when we were setting up for business at the restaurant where I used to work.
In the middle of a busy Saturday shift a traditional Spanish song ended and after a brief moment of silence,
see me, feel meee, touch me...
drifted out into the dining rooms. Three managers collided trying to reach the CD player.
Ya, remember, the movie was made at a time when perception altering drugs were a lot more common, by a director known for out there concepts. A lovely combination that, as you say, does not really stand up to the test of time. Although, I *personally* feel the story line of
the lover killing Captain Walker
makes more sense with the wacky family baby sitting incidents. That
those family members aren't really *his* family
. But that's just me. Others have different opinions.
(do we need to do spoiler on something 40 years old?)