Today they presented me with the curriculum guide they designed and told me all I had to do was make sure I covered everything they listed
Eh, sounds like at least you don't have to do as much prep work for the new classes they sprung on you? Way to not have to tune in as much for more time to look for another job?
Goodness, Kristin, how awful. I'm sorry Drew's mom is having such difficulties.
Skimming forward to offer lots of ~ma for Drew, Kristin, and Drew's mom.
And Universe, what Jess said. All of it, dammit.
I'm sure I'll have plenty of need to get out of the house in the coming weeks.
Corwood and I
be doing a book reading down there on Labor Day weekend. It's free!!
Also, the Tom Waits bus tour.
Also? Compound fracture? WTF?!! I think that family has had quite enough to deal with.
Corwood and I will be doing a book reading down there on Labor Day weekend. It's free!!
LA will explode from the awesome.
Ahhh... momentous occasion. One of my friends took both kids for a sleepover, so I had the opportunity to have a date with my husband. Dinner at a restaurant that did not automatically hand us crayons and paper placemats... a walk... there is now cheesecake for dessert as we watch Michael Phelps continue to take over the world.
I really am a simple woman.
Eh, sounds like at least you don't have to do as much prep work for the new classes they sprung on you? Way to not have to tune in as much for more time to look for another job?
To a degree. It's really weird they way they have things set up. The selections are ones that fit their teaching methods and interests exclusively. Bending to their ideals takes quite a bit of time. If they want me to use their lesson plans, worksheets, quizzes and such, they should just give that to me. Instead it's a list of decrees they expect with no flexibility for anything else.
Their philosophy is that it works perfectly for them so it's the perfect way to do things. They resist anything progressive or different. I mentioned using several plays to cover material, with the book being support material, and might as well have slapped them. One of them sniffed and told me, "we don't do things that way." The funniest part is I have more teaching experience than either of them even though they are both older teachers.
ND's mom's caregiver dropped her and broke her ankle so badly that the bone was sticking out.
This is the stuff of which my nightmares are made.
Dear Universe:
I have some nice fresh catnip growing in my yard. Howsabout I make you some nice tea from it, so you can chill out and stop with the harassing the Design family, eh?
We can sit down and have a nice chat over a cup of the tea with Gadget Girl's DD and the English Dept. at her school and help them mellow a bit, too.
I got to talk to my nephew!
Well I talked, he gurgled. And burped. And possibly cooed.
Omigod he's so awesome. Love him totaly.
So far his stats are 10lbs, 22.5 inches. No name.