ND's mom's caregiver dropped her and broke her ankle so badly that the bone was sticking out.
This is the stuff of which my nightmares are made.
Dear Universe:
I have some nice fresh catnip growing in my yard. Howsabout I make you some nice tea from it, so you can chill out and stop with the harassing the Design family, eh?
We can sit down and have a nice chat over a cup of the tea with Gadget Girl's DD and the English Dept. at her school and help them mellow a bit, too.
I got to talk to my nephew!
Well I talked, he gurgled. And burped. And possibly cooed.
Omigod he's so awesome. Love him totaly.
So far his stats are 10lbs, 22.5 inches. No name.
I can't wait for pics, Askye!
I don't know if I will catch everything but
Yay Auntie askye and Baby NoName!
Much ~ma to Drew, Kristen, and family. That is just horrible
Gadgetgirl, I think you may need to start killing people.
sj and TCG, I am glad the accident did not result in any serious injuries.
I think we've all dreamed of this . . .
as we watch Michael Phelps continue to take over the world.
What's his wingspan? Like, 50 feet? 100? Is his wingspan actually bigger than Michael Jordan's?
If it weren't so late I'd suggest them.
Of course now they have to go through all the baby clothes and weed out most the newborn stuff, since it's only for babies up to 8 lbs and he's ...well not very newborn sized.