Congrats to Auntie askye and Happy Birthday to her brand new nephew!
(((((sj))))) I'm so sorry about TCG's accident. So glad he wasn't hurt more seriously.
Hugs to ((((Sean))))). It will take some time; but, it will get better.
Hugs to Kristin and Drew. ((((())))) and No Hurricane ~ma! Also surgery and recovery ~ma for Drew's mom.
(in my most stern teacher voice) Universe, I have told you that 2008 had used up its allotments of 'bad things'. Please stop AT ONCE! I would hate to have to give you a detention for your poor behavior. Now, enough.
The good today: Pay day! It's been 6 weeks since the last paycheck. Direct Deposit ROCKS!
The bad today: DD came to my office right after I got to the school. According to him I have treated him poorly this week and I made him feel like crap. Now we had had 2 encounters totaling less than 5 minutes this week and neither were situations that seemed to warrant interactions. This man is a pompous ass...where is the Brute squad or a flaming cow?
Oh! Two of the English teachers run the English department like it is their own personal kingdom. Today they presented me with the curriculum guide they designed and told me all I had to do was make sure I covered everything they listed. They picked the pieces from the literature book to be covered, the types of writing to include, how the term paper 'must' be taught (in their words, the only proper way), etc. It's the biggest bunch of crap I've ever heard and leaves no room for individuality! Of course DD thinks they are brilliant and that everyone should follow the 'best practices' of these 2 harpies. They claim they are getting students ready for college, all the really do is create a ton of paperwork. Most of the kids can't stand their classes.