Hi everyone. I'm just poking my head in briefly to say a few things...
CONGRATS TO GC and her DW!!! I couldn't be happier for you two. Sorry you have to deal with school the day after the wedding!
Also MANY congrats to askye for her brand new nephew! Woot!
Many hugs to sj. I'm so sorry about TCG's accident. I'm glad to hear he wasn't hurt more seriously, though very sad he has to deal with the aftermath.
Finally, hugs also to Sean. I know...believe me, I know...how much it sucks to feel her pull away. It will suck for awhile, no way to avoid it. Scrappy is wise--you need to let her have the feelings she has, even though those feelings may make you want to beg her to forgive you or try to comfort her or do any number of other things that you just can't do. She will come through this, and so will you. Concentrate on getting through each day right now. Work towards your next step, moving out, as quickly as you can. And most of all? Remember you have friends who love you. We'll be back Sunday (possibly Monday in my case), and you know you are always welcome in our house, whether to escape for a couple of nights or just to have a beer and play board games for an evening. {{{Sean}}}
In meme news, you know that tropical storm that just formed over the Dominican Republic? Fay, I think? Guess where we were today? That's right, Haiti. The other half of the island. The captain claims we're going to be able to skirt most of the storm and beat it as we head back to Miami from now until Sunday morning, but a little no hurricane~ma would be appreciated.