Yay, GC! Happiness to you both!
I went to sleep at 8:00 last night, woke up at five and have had a cup of coffee. SO much readier to take on the 2nd day of school than yesterday. I had a migraine and got about 2 hours of shitty sleep and felt like hammered shit.
Ok, must go get ready for work. Laters, y'all!
Have a good day, Erin!
I am feeling SO much better today. The 12 hours of sleep really helped, I'm sure. But thank goodness! Now I can get back to work! I've got catching up to do!
eyes 1200 posts, considers reading them, considers amount of time at disposal. skips.
WOOHOO! Happy Big Gay Wedding, GC & DW! I'm delighted for you both!
eyes 1200 posts, considers reading them, considers amount of time at disposal. skips.
WOOHOO! Happy Big Gay Wedding, GC & DW! I'm delighted for you both!
tosses confetti for GC and DW
Good morning everyone.
So, this week's blog entry over at BatB is much fluffier: [link]
My nephew, after a long difficult pregnancy and delivery finally came into the world!
10 lbs! With dark hair and mom said really long, my brother was 21 inches so she's thinking the Nameless Nephew is longer than that.
My poor SIL finally had to have a Csection (mom's thinking this may be the only baby they have). She said the doctor asked if my brother wanted to hold him and carry him down to the nursery and my brother said "yes, he's the cutest baby ever. I want to carry him everywhere."
I'm dying to see pictures of them, they have to send them at my work addy since internet is blocked at work. I wish I was up there right now. No word on a name, but then my brother was 3 days old before he finally got one.
Awwww! YAY nephew! Hope your SIL recovers quickly.
I hope so too. My parents are there and so is her mom and sister. My parents are planning to stay as long as needed.
My nephew is here! he is evidentally a good baby, hasn't cried, and started nursing right away and really well. So there's that. I can't wait to see him and then to hold him. I won't see him in person until Labor DAy weekend or so, he'll be so big by then!
Yay, baby for askye's SIL!! Happy Aunthood!