I hope so too. My parents are there and so is her mom and sister. My parents are planning to stay as long as needed.
My nephew is here! he is evidentally a good baby, hasn't cried, and started nursing right away and really well. So there's that. I can't wait to see him and then to hold him. I won't see him in person until Labor DAy weekend or so, he'll be so big by then!
Yay, baby for askye's SIL!! Happy Aunthood!
I didn't see my nephew until he was about six weeks old. They're still pretty little. Although, 10 pounds is a BIG baby to begin with.
Hooray for askye's nephew!
Yay, new nephew! Congratulations, askye!
10 lbs! With dark hair and mom said really long, my brother was 21 inches so she's thinking the Nameless Nephew is longer than that.
Ten lbs? ::crosses legs reflexively:: But very many happies to the new parents and the new auntie!
Shit! TCG is fine, but he got into an accident and totaled his car on the way to work.
Oh jeez, sj-- how'd that happen?
Oh jeez, sj-- how'd that happen?
I don't know yet. He just wanted the number for work so he could call out and then he couldn't talk.
yay! Baby! Much health and happiness to the family! Also, related insent, askye -
Morning Anne!
I'm glad he's ok sj!