Are you practicing reverse phrenology? Have you acquired super power or new insights into cosmic probmes?
John Travolta has nothing on me! I am currently checking MM's calculations for the transporter. I think I know how the cat's head ended up as it did. According to my calculations, there were, in fact, TWO cats! My brain is of the awesome now!
I spent the thinnest years of my life believing I was a fat cow.
I was like this as well. Now I see photos from that time and wonder what I was thinking. At the gym today I realized that I'm not going to be that size again, probably. What I can do is eat right, exercise and accept my body for the way it is.
ChiKat, have you asked Office Max if they will let you buy more than the 10 per day? I provide the same folders to all of my students to use for their journal for my class. By my purchasing them I can color code my classes which helps me try to stay organized. I also overbuy them so I can provide them for students that are financially challenged.
Just heard back from the fencing instructor, who suggested the following shoes:
Most kinds of sneakers or athletic shoes are OK. Indoor court shoes are best. Running shoes not designed for side-to-side motion are not recommended.
What precisely is an "indoor court shoe"? And how would I recognize a shoe not designed for side-to-side motion?
"Indoor court shoes" are tennis, basketball, volleyball... basically, anything that's not running shoes (which have too much tread, and so grip the floor a lot, especially when you're just learning footwork).
More generally, you need to be comfortable and be able to move. Sweats, a good sports bra, sneakers, etc. But you won't need to come in with anything specialized for a beginner's class.
I forgot to add this to my post.
One of my mentors had a heart attack almost 2 years ago. He recovered, but we hoped the college he teaches at would realize he needs an assistant (namely me). I just found out today that he had a fairly bad seizure 4 or 5 weeks ago. The doctors aren't allowing him to drive.
The college still won't recognize he needs help. He retires in 1.5 years and would love to see me take his place. (exciting for me, if I can just make it to January 2010). Bigger than everything, though, I'm really worried about him. He is an amazing professor and a wonderful friend.
But you won't need to come in with anything specialized for a beginner's class.
Right -- if you have sneakers of any kind, just stick with those and don't buy anything new until after you start and get a feel for what you might need.
Also, forgot to write, the original reason I came into bitches. I took a quick peak at the medal count. And Google linked me to a .cn site, which I assume is a China domain. Since China is leading in Gold, they have China at the top of the pack. Even though USA is leading in overall qty of medals. I thought it was a funny spin doctor moment.
No, that's the standard ordering protocol AFAIA. Certainly every time I've seen an official ordering it's been by golds first. (They've won over 20% of all the golds on offer so far! As performances go, props to them.)
oh ya, lots of props to them. Gold is def where it's at. I caught some of the ladies sync diving. Damn! They were kicking ass!
Watching the lady gymnists now. I find it interesting that the Chinese list a whole province for 'home', vs. a city.
Watching the lady gymnists now. I find it interesting that the Chinese list a whole province for 'home', vs. a city.
I noticed that too. I wonder why they do it that way.
Interesting convo about weight and perception. I've never been thin; I think, maybe, when I was a freshman in hs, I was my postpubescent lowest -- 150, at a guess. That's the last time I have ever been able to strap into skintight size 11's.
My highest was probably about 1 1/2-2 years ago, about 210. I'm 5'4".
I am almost 36, and I feel the most comfortable with my weight I have ever been -- I'm about 180 now, and I dropped weight due to digging out of deep, deep depression. Those of you who have been arounf Biffistas in its various permutations have an inkling of how low it was.
All of the stuff Tep and ChiKat (I think -- it's been another brain-drainingly long pre-back-to-school days) said about (a) gradual reassignment of brain patterns re: body, and also (b) damn, that mirror is weird, my body isn't that big-ness is true.
Part of it, I think, is getting a little older and more focused on other things, rather than an overweening awareness of what my body is and is not, and also, not caring so much about what other people people thought of me. I worried less about what I looked like, and, huh, I didn't stress eat because of self-hate as much. Also, I got control over other areas in my life (not total, but SO much better!) and the bodt just kinda...went along.
Except for hoo-ha issues and silly little brain-chems issues, I am very healthy. And moreover, while I am sometimes startled by the way I look, it is mostly due to the difference between how my body FEELS. I mean, tactilely. It's like, as long as I have a waist, I'm NSM with what the other measurements are. I have an hourglass; I loveloveLOVE the very distinct dip between my hips and waist, esp. in my lower back. I think it's so cool! And my skin is supersoft, and my legs are thick, but well-shaped.
I didn't wear sleevless tops till I was about 32, but now, I'm not caring. And I'll always have a little pot, but as long as I have that dip, it's not so worrisome.
It's just too bad it took me till I was in my thirties to figure out al this. I do think that spending the last 3 years in an environment that was largely non-white -- where if you DIDN'T have a booty and melones, and calling a girl or woman "thick" was a compliment and not a complaint -- this really just kind of helped all the other stuff settle into a smoother groove.
Plus? I walk like a fucking rockstar. I can't help it, and now I embrace it.
Go team egotastic me, and I don't care, because it's better than all those years of the same entries of "I fucking hate myself FATPIG" in about 10 journals.