Give him lots of hugs for me.
I will!
I'm good, thanks! I start back officially next Thursday and the kids start back on the following Monday (the 25th).
I've been working pretty diligently the past week on projects for school, so I feel like I'm in good shape to go back. Did a kickass PowerPoint on play production that I think is pretty cool.
That's such a great deal, ChiKat. You're a nice/good teacher!
Ok. Almost time to head out.
PowerPoint ... ptui! I'm facing our monthly (more or less) Bataan Death March of a meeting ... which is ALL PowerPoint. Last time - six and a half hours, the first half of which was people READING their slides. Slowly. Badly. With many pauses. Some of them seemed to have never seen the slides before (although most of them were just updates to the ones we've been using for ... four years). bah!
Okay, we all know that there's correct grammar, and what people do anyway. When you see "bimonthly", do you think (or do you think people think) "every two months" or "twice a month"?
I go "huh? do you mean every two months or every two weeks?" ('cause I work with people who can't keep it straight. either.)
I think every two months - but remember that this isn't exactly your "average reader" of a crowd in here. Are you afraid semi-monthly won't be understood?
I go "huh? do you mean every two months or every two weeks?"
This is me. Because bimonthly can actually mean either.
I like the Oxford answer:
I'm afraid it means both! But in the publishing industry, it is used fairly consistently to mean 'every two months'. The same ambiguity affects biweekly and biyearly. If you want to be absolutely clear, use a phrase such as 'twice a week' or 'every two years'.
The only reason I get bimonthly straight is remembering that "bicentennial" means two centuries.
Where I work, people are paid either monthly or biweekly -- so
is fairly firmly associated with two rather than a half for me, although my mind jumps to weeks rather than months. Without that kind of context, I'd have to agree with the advice to make it clearer.