{{{Sean}}} Hope the blue disapates a bit.
The black jean is a staple of my wardrobe and they seem to be disappearing.As is the nature of black. If you wear it, you disappear t /theater geek
WRT not being thin. A former co-worker was REALLY stressing and upset one day. I inquired what was wrong. She was AGONIZING over the stomach staple surgery. I was shocked. Her doctor "strongly urged her to consider it" (I think those were the words). Mind you, she is not a thin person by any means, but I would never consider her a candidate for the stomach staple thing. And I told her so. She looked at me like "really? Do you really think that?" I said something to the effect, "I'm not gonna lie and say your paper thin or anything. You are large. But not HUGE. Do you get stuck in armed chairs? Do stairs groan? Not that I've seen. I've sat next to you at a show, and I wasn't hugging the other seat handle. You are what you are" Several months later, I couldn't help but notice she had lost a good 50#'s or so. And I commented as much. She thanked me, saying she DIDN"T get the surgery. And realized that she has been stressing for years about her weight, and that she ate more (stress eating, I'm guilty of it too). And that when she stopped stressing about it, it helped a ton. She is still not "thin", but feeling a lot better.
As for me? I got a belly. I need to get rid of it, to make walking on the crutches as easy as possible. Since I can't exercise all that well, and stress eating is in my mode of working, I realize I'll never be "skinny". With that, I have SLOWLY been trying to change my eating habits. No 'diet' per se, but improve my eating habits. First, I started with cutting the soft drinks. Wasn't hard for me, but I was still drinking a couple ginger ales or cokes every day. Next I eliminated (as much as one can) HFCS. That shit is NASTY. But it is EVERYWHERE. So I read the ingredients before buying. If it has HFCS, I don't buy it. Then I worked on MSG. Apparently that stuff is designed to make you ignore your stomach and eat more. Again, not easy to do, since they put it in a LOT of frozen foods. Then I worked on cutting sugar snacks. These 4 steps were slowly implemented over a 18-24 month period. Slowly change habits. I did loose some weight. Not a ton. But I'm not bulging at the seams anymore. And I am not in the mindset that I *HAVE* to keep to it. I will have a slice of cake. Ice Cream. Cookies. I just make a conscious effort to take a small plate/bowl of the snack, and eat that, and not the whole bag or whatever. I've discovered I'm far too lazy to go up for seconds of potato chips. And I snack on apples, honey dew's, grapes, carrots, peanuts, raisins, and oranges a lot more than I ever did before.
OK, that's me. I know it's not everyone. But I'd say 1) don't stress about it, that is fuel on the fire. And 2) try things slow. You can't slap a ship into reverse and expect it to miss the iceberg. But if you keep power up, and turn hard to port, you could avoid being the Titantic.
Thin is like money. Easy to loose, and a bitch to gain.
OK, I'm working. Really I am. I swear. (oh ya, and all of this was written after eating a zip lock of deformed cookies from last night, so ya, I'm not perfect).