:: said with tongue in cheek ::
I'm sure that, for instance, when I see my Big Giant Torso on the billboard, I'll be struck with "OMG I'm ENORMOUS!!!" and feel bad.
Of course you are enormous, YOU ARE ON A BILLBOARD. Ain't nothing small on them things.
Also, forgot to write, the original reason I came into bitches. I took a quick peak at the medal count. And Google linked me to a .cn site, which I assume is a China domain. Since China is leading in Gold, they have China at the top of the pack. Even though USA is leading in overall qty of medals. I thought it was a funny spin doctor moment.
I'm working... see!
The gastric bypass (? is that the formal name) is kind of evil. People talk about it like it's the easy solution. First of all, it's SURGERY. The niece of a woman in my office died during this surgery. Second, if you have an emotional problem with food and decide to get the surgery, you'll still have an emotional problem. Several years ago a woman who worked in my office had had the surgery. But she hadn't done anything about her compulsive eating. So ... since you can only fit so much in what's left of your stomach, she'd stuff herself, go into the restroom, throw it up, then come back and do it all over again. Repeatedly. She lost weight, sure ... but she wasn't doing her health any favors.
Second, if you have an emotional problem with food and decide to get the surgery, you'll still have an emotional problem.
There's a bar owner I know who had the surgery, and then didn't pay attention to what he ate and drank, so he ended up breaking the band around his stomach. Ai yi yi. This is also the same dude who's had 2 hip replacements, and he's only 32. He's got issues, for sure.
The gastric bypass (? is that the formal name) is kind of evil.
Exactly! That was the rest of the conversation with her. You have to avoid dairy or some such? eliminate sugars? When I heard the stuff you have to do, I was like "well, just do that and avoid the surgery, the results might be slower, but a hell of a lot safer"
One of my cousins had gastic bypass surgery and lost a bunch of weight, but never dealt with the underlying issues of why she was eating. So she's gained most of it back.
And she has issues, she switched to complusive shopping. Plus most of her family thinks she's bipolar but won't talk to her for fear she'll fly off the handle and cut off access to her children.
I'm ready to go. I don't really need to leave for a half hour. My makeup will probably all melt off by then.
Someone entertain me! Keep me from being nervous!
::tap dancing::
Hello, my baby!
Hello, my darlin'!
Hello, my ragtime gal!!
Awww...now I feel all warm and snuggly.
ION, my cat seems to have something wrong with his ear. He keeps scratching it and grooming it and shaking his head a lot. It must not feel good, either, because when I try to touch it, he jerks away. He will let me, he just doesn't like it.
I don't see anything in there, but there must be something wrong. Vet appt. is made for tomorrow.