Who wants to visit so I can cook?
Hangs "Gone Fishin'" sign on office door.
Vortex, which law school is the not-quite-dream-job? Maybe I know someone there.
Nora, I'm so sorry to hear about Tom's layoff! That stinks!
In my orientation news, the woman organizing this thing originally had us down to start library tours at 11:30, then she sent a letter to the students telling them we'd start at 10:30, and she gave me some cute oopsie! story that I didn't believe. Today, the organizer's minions showed up at 9:55 a.m. with my 10 a.m. tour list... and now they've taken it upon themselves to schedule two tours at once, and add another at the end of the day. And all I can do is complain after the fact, because they know I can't tell these new students to GO AWAY.
Guh... Chili-Garlic Chicken with Mangoes
I'll stop now, I promise.
DUDE- Beverly is where he works, er, worked now and it's one town over from us! PERFECT LOCATION! (I didn't mention it at the beginning because it's kinda a random location)
Norwood is not so good though.
Vortex, which law school is the not-quite-dream-job? Maybe I know someone there.
the really expensive one :)
Oh my goodness Nora-- much ~ma to Tom!
And all I can do is complain after the fact, because they know I can't tell these new students to GO AWAY.
::hands Sparky Bertha the Big Baseball Bat::
For use after the fact, y'understand.
Jobma~~~ to Tom.I hope he finds something quickly, and gets to enjoy sometime off
I beg your pardon! My brain has at least four tracks, possibly five.
1. Getting women to cut their hair
2. San Francisco.
3. Getting women to cut their hair and move to San Francisco
4. Getting women to move to San Francisco and cut their hair
I don't think that counts as four.
DUDE- Beverly is where he works, er, worked now and it's one town over from us! PERFECT LOCATION!
Insent to profile addy. It's a little QA-specific, but used many of the same words you did.
Signed Degree in Liberal Arts, oh wait, I just finished one in Computer Info Science too, crap, it was only an A.S., though, and Programming almost killed me dead. So anyway, don't know the intricacies of the details at all, but hope it helps.