Happy Birthday, Sophia!
Happy Birthday, smonster!
This house is CLEAN!
t /Tangina
I've swept, picked up papers, filed loose comics, scrubbed the bathroom, scrubbed the sinks and countertops, cleaned the George Foreman grill, cleaned cookware, and done laundry. All I lack is taking out one bag of trash and replacing my old shower curtain, and I can show it off to my visiting bosses if they want to take a look sometime this week.
I'm still in my PJs, but that's because I've been cleaning. I have a birthday thing to go to tonight, so eventually I'll need to put on some outside clothes and my new spectators.
I do know a few people undecided between voting Obama/Biden or voting Green Party (since they live in NYC and voting Green won't take away any Dem electoral votes).
I can see that.
ITA. Maybe it's just because I don't see anything in common between the two tickets - like, what issue are you waiting for the candidates to weigh in on that would finally tip you one way or the other?
It's those damn white women. Note to the world: Just because Palin's family is as trashy as yours (by which I mean, mine) does NOT make her a good leader!!
My mo asked me what I though about Palin -- and I said that she reminded me of that eccentric neighbor that goes around saying things that just astound you. You kind of find her amusing, but in that way where you disagree with almost everything that she says. Interesting,if annnoying neighbor, but not somewhat I want running my country. Actually,I don't think I want any of my eccentric neighbors running the country.
I know I'm always out of step politically here, but I'm still undecided. However, since y'all are still mad at me for voting Nader last time, I figure I'm in the good 'cause your guy's still in the running with me at this point.
Love the tattoo!
Happy Birthday, smonster and Sophia!
I keep reading Nadal when people write Nader. It's somewhat pleasant.
I've eaten breakfast. Go ahead and eat dinner if need be.
I know I'm always out of step politically here, but I'm still undecided. However, since y'all are still mad at me for voting Nader last time, I figure I'm in the good 'cause your guy's still in the running with me at this point.
Can you talk more about why? I'm genuinely curious.
I've been sitting here thinking about my neighbors running the country- L would have us adopting all the strays,spend a lot on the military , an have to be reminded that school spending is what pays for teachers. J cares nothing for politics,but as long as she can work nights, paint in tropical colors and do hula she'd have fun traveling and doing the diplomatic thing. M would us have daily jam sessions. where he would tell the same jokes , no matter how often you have heard them. His best trait -- he is really good at making people volunteer.P would make everybody go green . and stop calling spanish revival by that name ,because it isn't. and I haven't even got to the truely eccentric