And you can totally suggest a touristy-Chicago thing to do that shows some city history or how to get around or something. A friend of mine always did the tourist-tours whenever she moved to a new area.
Sorry you had to wait so long at the airport, Jesse! Had I
my cell.... Didn't even have any interesting weather until a little while ago, too. Finally cooled down. Of course, I was running around when it was still sweltering.
Half a pita and hummus, a handful of cherry tomatoes and a small avocado is dinner, right?
I got a lot done today. All that's really left that needs to be done this weekend is a manicure. Which I think I'll do shortly
Half a pita and hummus, a handful of cherry tomatoes and a small avocado is dinner, right?
It's dinner in my book. Sounds yummy, too!
I am totally eating the avocado just sliced with a sprinkling of salt.
That's totally dinner.
It's not like there was anything to be done -- they kept telling us to stay close in case they let us go. I guess it was the storms we had early in the morning fucking everything up later in NYC.
Happy Anniversaries all around!
I have discovered that is impossible to become really annoyed with argumentative people in a check-out line, even in 102° weather, if you've just come from a showing of Mama Mia! and still have the songs running through your head.
Happy anniversary to Scrappy and DH, and to Aimee and MM! Must be a good day to get married.
I'm watching The Wonderful Wizard of Oz with my kids right now. Yay for lazy afternoons!
oh lord am tired.
Last night on the way home I got a call from one of mac's friend's mom. Could I watch her son for a few hours Sat night? Sure, but we have afternoon plans in the city, so I have to coordinate times and such. no big.
Get home and there is a sign on the elevator. Elevator work to replace the interior and do work on the ancient workings starts on Monday and the elevator will be out until all work is complete, no time estimate. Craptastic for 2 reasons - first and foremost, I am getting a new toilet on Monday and the poor plumber is NOT carrying it up 5 flights of stairs. second, we will be stairing it while the work is being done and now with a fairly full weekend, I am not sure when I can get to the grocery to stock up on heavy things.
Mac has a chest cough which seems to only be surfacing at night and gets worse as he is sleeping. 1am he comes to my bed having woken himself up. cough medicine and back to bed, but in my bed. 5am, he is crosswise and pushing me out of the bed. 7am I give up for good and start on the work needed in the house before we need to leave at 12.
dishes, litter, laundry, kitchen counters, vacuum. Breakfast then out for errands of PO and vet for catfood - the sky looked doomy, but we made it back before the rain came.
The sun is out as I put out the laundry to dry and get a second breakfast. By noon when we are to leave the sky is black and rain is starting to fall - the TV says flash flood warning up to an inch in an hour and to stay inside.
We eventually leave at 1pm even though it is still raining, but we've changed the outing from the Central Park Zoo to the Met. Meet friends and brother and spend 3 hours walking the Met with a break for lunch. Train back to get friend, walk walk walk, get ice cream and now are home.
My feets are starting to recover. I feel like I walk that much in a normal day, so I am not sure why the throbby.
You don't work retail, right? Three hours standing/walking sounds like a lot more than a normal day! Much less all the rest of it.
Random people popping up on Facebook are killing me right now. Most recently, the awesome guy who played Jesus in my HS production of Godspell. Love.
I just realized that I know the guy running for Senate in my parents' district. I used to ice skate at the same rink as his daughter, who was a year or two younger than me.
Ugh msbelle, maybe it's the bad night's sleep? Is the friend still there?