Happy birthday, Lori! And
of course
you're the answer to everything. Just for this year, though. So after the cake and festivities are over, please go fix the entire world for us before your awesome power passes.
Happy anniversary, Plei and DH!
IIRC, I spent a bit of time pushing Beatrix as a possible name for Matilda, just so we could use the nickname Bix. Hec didn't go for it. It's an excellent cat name, though.
The best-named cats I ever met were tuxedo and tabby littermates whose human named them Alouysius and Sylvester, a.k.a. Wishy and Vesty.
Did I mention here I was astounded to find out that my local vet has three other Chumleys in their patient database?
Maybe you could change yours to the traditional spelling--isn't it some crazy Brit thing like Chomondeley, only pronounced Chumley?
There is also, I think, only one cat who could be David Bowie.
Very much so. However, he could not be a Ziggy Stardust. Well, not with out dye and/or makeup.
oh, dear
Ladies, don't use your brains to vote! That's too hard! Decide which candidate you'd rather make a wholesome pie and vote for him!
My BFF named her cats Bingley and Darcy, or as she calls them, the two gentlemen. Mine are Zorro and Squeaky Fromme. And our dogs are Layla and Truman. I like a name to suit the animal and also have some sort of cultural allusion for my own amusemnet.
Today's earworm du jour seems to be Ringo Starr's No No No song.
Arrrgh, maties, it be International Talk Like a Pirate Day!!!
Yo ho ho and a bottle o' rum for me.
I love people names for pets. Esp names of former political figures like President Dwight D. Eisenhower. for example.
Scene: Park in my neighborhood, we're out walking dogs. The Yorkie of this cute middle-aged gay couple is playing with my dog.
Them: What's her name?
Me: Dallas! What's hers?
Them: Jackie O!
All of us: Oooh! Awkward!
Arrrr! Avast, me mateys!
Many rum-soaked felicitations of yer natal day to Lori!
And for Plei & her DH, may ye plunder together for many a year.