My BFF named her cats Bingley and Darcy, or as she calls them, the two gentlemen. Mine are Zorro and Squeaky Fromme. And our dogs are Layla and Truman. I like a name to suit the animal and also have some sort of cultural allusion for my own amusemnet.
Today's earworm du jour seems to be Ringo Starr's No No No song.
Arrrgh, maties, it be International Talk Like a Pirate Day!!!
Yo ho ho and a bottle o' rum for me.
I love people names for pets. Esp names of former political figures like President Dwight D. Eisenhower. for example.
Scene: Park in my neighborhood, we're out walking dogs. The Yorkie of this cute middle-aged gay couple is playing with my dog.
Them: What's her name?
Me: Dallas! What's hers?
Them: Jackie O!
All of us: Oooh! Awkward!
Arrrr! Avast, me mateys!
Many rum-soaked felicitations of yer natal day to Lori!
And for Plei & her DH, may ye plunder together for many a year.
If I had a bottle of rum, I'd be chugging it right now.
I have a sneaking suspicion that in the near future, I will find myself having to work a weekend or two.
There is literally nothing going on at my office today. I sent my minion on a wild-goose chase (I know what I'm looking for, but have NO IDEA where to look!), so that should take up a chunk of her afternoon.
Bwah, Trudy! Too funny.
Happiest of birthdays, o answer to life, the universe, and everything.
Hmm. At least, to the universe, miss finding ice on mars thang!