Yeah, it was. Bright green fake mouse. Fierce little unconvincing predator... I almost felt bad, but yowzers he was cranked. And is passed out now. He and MK (on different couches.) Devi's on the bed, more relaxed than she's been all evening.
The headline is kinda misleading, but this is kinda...uh, ok. Lion and lamb, sorta maybe? [link]
Crazy cute kitty! Fun.
Don't tell anyone, but I am totally not going to work tomorrow. I'm definitely "working from home" in the morning, and going in for a Friday afternoon when most people are out at a conference just seems like a sucker's bet.
He's...a kitten. I forget how nuts they can be. I'm trying to only give him attention when they aren't watching, but it is hard because when I come home, he is all over me.
I know, I know, I'm all cats all the time, but right now, it is a bright spot in the midst of a whole bunch of shit, so I'd rather focus on that. And I don't have much headspace for much else.
eta: Go, Jesse! I'd love to do that. I NEED to do that. Just can't, especially with taking off 2 days next week. I swear everytime I enter work because of the goddamned countdown clock posted in the lobby.
I don't know what my problem is -- work isn't especially stressful right now, but I just cannot deal! I will semi-deal with stuff tomorrow, but meh.
Sometimes you just need a break. Even from non-stress.
It's a NYC plague! Sign up now!
My boss is sick tomorrow, which isn't quite as good, but it'll do.
I want to be sick tomorrow! I think I have to wait until Monday though.
sara where are you on name suggestions?