He's...a kitten. I forget how nuts they can be. I'm trying to only give him attention when they aren't watching, but it is hard because when I come home, he is all over me.
I know, I know, I'm all cats all the time, but right now, it is a bright spot in the midst of a whole bunch of shit, so I'd rather focus on that. And I don't have much headspace for much else.
eta: Go, Jesse! I'd love to do that. I NEED to do that. Just can't, especially with taking off 2 days next week. I swear everytime I enter work because of the goddamned countdown clock posted in the lobby.
I don't know what my problem is -- work isn't especially stressful right now, but I just cannot deal! I will semi-deal with stuff tomorrow, but meh.
Sometimes you just need a break. Even from non-stress.
It's a NYC plague! Sign up now!
My boss is sick tomorrow, which isn't quite as good, but it'll do.
I want to be sick tomorrow! I think I have to wait until Monday though.
sara where are you on name suggestions?
I have a family dinner tomorrow.
I'm not looking forward to the inevitable, "How's the book going?" questions.
Totally wish I could bail, but it's at my in-laws' and in part to celebrate the Hub's upcoming b-day.
I'm catching up on Project Runway. And filled with menh.