Our company had a luncheon today and Brad Ziegler was the guest of honor. He was very nice and surprisingly funny and disarming. He told some great stories, my favorite of which was that he was totally caught off guard and almost had a heart attack when Griffey Junior came up to him on the field, introduced himself and congratulated Brad on his (then) scoreless streak. All he could respond was, "ugh..uh...Mister...Girffey..I...mean....Junior...I mean...uh...thanks........."
He came upstairs to see our offices later and totally started talking Warriors basketball with me when he saw the Warriors poster over my desk. Awwwww.
and Brad Ziegler was the guest of honor.
Cool! If he goes the rest of the season without giving up a run he'll break Eckersley's record for the lowest ERA for a pitcher with at least 50 innings.
It made me wonder -- do you use the same counting word for penises that you do for bottles and cigarettes, or does that go in a different category?
I don't know, but now that you mention it, wouldn't you theoretically use a different set of numbers for erect penises?
Yay, Sarameg!
There are no completely benign ways to make electricity. My objection to wind and solar power as major sources of electricity is that we still don't have particularly efficient ways to store power for when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine.
horrible day to drive through Chicago. 80/94 East is shut down due to yesterday's flooding. We're trying to get to Indiana.
Can you try 294 to 80 east, Cash?
Exactly. It's hard to take a moral high ground w/r/t renewable energy if you're causing avian destruction as a part of your operation. Oil spills are a (supposedly rare) accident, and accidents happen.
Modern turbines are large, spin slower and are placed on towers that attract fewer birds and are spaced further apart which also attracts further birds. So you get much less damage than from older wind farms.
But you know what? There is no Kilowatt Fairy, no BTU Bunny. No power source is zero impact. Solar cells on roofs include some stuff that is mined and processed in very toxic ways. Compact Fl bulbs have mercury.
The reason they are better is not that they are zero impact, but that impact is lower, and especially that impact is not such as is likely to bring down our civilization. And that is a good enough reason to support renewables. Fuck purity.
Hee--from the Onion: Evolutionists Flock to Darwin-Shaped Wallstain, in Dayton, TN, of course!
Kathy, they made us exit at 394, so we're shooting for something to get us to US 30. We're taking that to my hometown.
I'm trying to figure out where the hell 394 is at on the map!
Oh, okay (after googling), that's the Bishop Ford.
394 should take you to 30.