Now I want to see that map as a Risk-style game so you can play out how Facebook invades and takes over the Friendster peninsula and our new Google overlords sweep across the steppes.
I named that map George a while ago - lovely link Cashmere! But, yeah. Needs a little updating... a year and a half is a long time in the lifespan of, say, mySpace.
behind the scenes tour of the Supreme Court.
::is jealous::
I think it's insane, but are they aware that you don't want full-time work? Could that be it?
Yes, it probably is. I am starting to calm down. I actually think I would not be so angry if they had told me instead of letting me find out from a student! I had the shock, with an additional side of feeling like an idiot while talking to my class! And the communications issues are most of the reason I don't want full-time work!
Needs a little updating... a year and a half is a long time in the lifespan of, say, mySpace.
And how cute is it that Friendster is still on there? Remember Friendster?
In a related matter I just got friended out of the blue by someone from High School. Those out of the blue friendings are fun.
Happy Birthday P-C and Billytea!
Last night I partied like I was in grad school with my grad school friend who just moved to town. oof too many vodka
Yeah, for some reason, I find that I can't drink to excess the way I did when I was in graduate school. What's up with that?