But....but.... the Iranian Hostage Crisis isn't linked to Al-Qaeda. It was people angry over U.S. support for the Shah, it wasn't Sunni extremists.
Pshaw-- you're talking about mere details which matter not one whit. They're bargaining on the majority of people not recalling that. In fact, I'll lay money there are a lot of people who probably had no clue or had totally forgotten about the Iranian Hostage Crisis.
In fact, I'll lay money there are a lot of people who probably had no clue or had totally forgotten about the Iranian Hostage Crisis.
Yeah, the Republicans will have to make a point of reminding them it happened under a Democrat. Not sure how they'll link Obama to the Shah, but I have faith in their abilities in this area.
Pshaw-- you're talking about mere details which matter not one whit.
But it's so.... dishonest. Or maybe ignorant, I don't know which. Just because they are all Muslims doesn't mean they are all the same. It's like saying that the Nazi invasion of France started with the Mexican American war because both countries are primarily Christian.
I think that may be my most blood pressure inducing moment aside from the Drill Here! Drill Now! pandering.
What are you talking about? Chrisitians don't start wars.
Look, I have a cousin who somehow thinks that Obama is a Muslim AND attends a racist church. These are not tough people to fool.
But it's so.... dishonest. Or maybe ignorant, I don't know which.
I think both, with perhaps a slight leaning towards the dishonest end of the spectrum.
To a lot--not all, of course, but a lot-- of people in small-town, middle America, the profound differences between the various religious sects simply does not matter. What matters is they are not white, they are not Christian. These are the same God and Bible folks that Bev was talking about the McCain/Palin ticket appealing to. The "they're just like us" folks.
To want to know or understand the differences in that part of the world requires an intellectual curiosity that many people who work fourteen or fifteen hour days just to keep from losing their homes or food on the table, simply don't have time for. That's frivolous time, reserved for the "elitists" who, with their fancy Ivy-League educations, think they're better than "us."
Amazing how it all comes back to that.
I really want to go home.
To want to know or understand the differences in that part of the world requires an intellectual curiosity that many people who work fourteen or fifteen hour days just to keep from losing their homes or food on the table, simply don't have time for. That's frivolous time, reserved for the "elitists" who, with their fancy Ivy-League educations, think they're better than "us."
The thing is, don't these things apply to the Republicans as well as the Democrats-- I mean, whoever runs for President is going to have at least gone to college! Or be fairly wealthy. I think it is really dishonest of the Republican candidates to imply that they are just like those people when McCain doesn't even know how many houses he owns!
To want to know or understand the differences in that part of the world requires an intellectual curiosity that many people who work fourteen or fifteen hour days just to keep from losing their homes or food on the table, simply don't have time for. That's frivolous time, reserved for the "elitists" who, with their fancy Ivy-League educations, think they're better than "us."
I don't understand this at all. I think this is a bullshit excuse. I regularly work fourteen and fifteen hour days and I am plenty intellectually curious.
I don't understand this at all.
I do. People suck! (not just the people that Barb was describing, all of 'em)