Plei, I KNOW.
It's more than a little jaw-dropping that the reporter who got that quote from him actually followed up to basically say, "Tell me you did NOT just go there," and Westmoreland was more than happy to go right back there again with fuckwit abandon.
eta: Trudy... What? How? What? I....gah. DESPAIR.
Oh, as usual, dear. While I dislike Palin's policies, and am completely unsure of her truthfulness and fitness for office of VP. I think some of her critics are violating Snacky's Law [link]
Take care of yourself ita.
I'm finally watching Palin's speech. I think she did a good job as a convention speaker, but it was remarkably petty. It will be interesting to see how she does in the debates.
Shit, ita! Take care of yourself.
Bored, so here's my cubicle: [link]
She reads a speech well because of her broadcast background. Sadly.
I was trying to explain to Paul last night that she reminds me of the Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer on SNL back in the day.
I suspect she'll be pulling the Unfrozen Cavewoman Gov'ner BS all through the debates.
Elitist and uppity also mean "not like us." It's become a bad thing to be intellectually curious, open, and tolerant.
For goodness sake, ita, I hope the ER is able to help you.
Two things: a decision tree someone forwarded to me about Sarah Palin from [link]
and the breaking AP wire story about 5 colleges/ 6 years: [link]
I am still at work.
eta: holy crap, "uppity"?? Jeebus that's ragemaking.
Bored, so here's my cubicle: [link]
Ohh! I like! Here's mine [link] [link]
Elitist and uppity also mean "not like us." It's become a bad thing to be intellectually curious, open, and tolerant.
Yeah, but uppity has VERY specific connotations that are very well known. It's rarely applied to the melainin impaired. And in this case, the case has long been made that "elitist" is being used as code for "uppity" in the traditional nasty sense, rather elitist being used in the Kerry sense. To see someone brashly willing to just flat out say it, no sugar coated coding, makes me sick to my stomach.
I like your Batman, DJ!!!