TDS was great last night. LOVED the video of O'Reilly praising the Palins handling of Bristol, contrasted with him calling the Spears "pinheads" and saying if a teenage girl gets pregnant, it's because of bad parents.
I also really liked Rove vs. Rove.
Yeah, that was great, too.
Interesting article on teen pregnancy: [link]
I'm kind of sad that MSNBC is covering the convention this week. Because I'd love to hear Keith and Rachel skewering the Republican talking points but I'm not willing to tune into the convention itself.
Interesting conversation last night between my Mom and my Sister:
Sister: So if Trig IS Bristol's also, why does a kid get pregnant a SECOND time?
Mom: Because they took her baby the first time.
Which, yeah, makes sense. That poor kid. She's nobody's priority.
Jon Stewart last night talked about why he considers Bristol's pregnancy fair game. He and Newt Gingrich went back and forth on it a bit.
And since Stewart actually IS comedy I can see his point. And I note that he hasn't been
to Bristol. He's not calling her a slut or an idiot. He's not mocking her. It's not a tenth of what
News people (and Senators) had to say about poor Chelsea. And it is arguably relevant.
I'd love to hear Keith and Rachel skewering the Republican talking points
Watch Countdown on Friday night. I suspect there will be much skewering.
Here's the TDS clip. [link]