Oh, even better about Levi J. -- he's left high school w/o graduating, evidently.
You know, this is really beginning to sound more and more like the plot setup for something like
La Cage aux Folles...
which, if it is, can only end up with John McCain in a drag show.
I'm happy to add "Screw you, Steve Jobs" since most of my frustration these days come from the damn wheel on my iPod.
I have a few choice words for Apple right now, if it would help? Actually, more than a few.
Thanks for speaking up, both of you. You're right.
I'm happy to add "Screw you, Steve Jobs"
Right there with you, as I Do Not get along with my work-issued iMac.
this is really beginning to sound more and more like the plot setup for something like La Cage aux Folles... which, if it is, can only end up with John McCain in a drag show.
He'll be sure to call Guliani for advice.
Um, none of you people work for a company called Carat, do you?? [link]
FYI, Giuliani's back on the schedule for tonight. That might be the one speech I actually want to watch.
(FTR, I've said nice things about Vista, even. And I know for sure you guys aren't responsible for any of the things that I have found frustrating about MS.)
I think it is safe to say that even we employees find some things frustrating. I'm just wary of knee-jerk responses. (I would totally use a smiley here if I didn't think you all would assume I'd gone insane or something.)
In other news, did I miss people talking about the new art installation by the people who did The Sultan's Elephant? On the one hand, their stuff is always amazing. On the other hand, ohshitgiantspider.
Dana beat me to it!
I gotta work tonight at the bookstore, so I'll be missing any live speechifying. I can catch them on YouTube tomorrow, if any of them end up being interesting.
Oh Dana, that is beautiful.