I have to refrain from strangling my wee man. He gets SO frustrated with EVERY! SINGLE! MISTAKE! where math is concerned and then flips out and grows more frustrated and makes more errors because he's so frustrated.
Poor kid-- you'd think I could've passed on some of my good traits.
I can't wait to hear what Owen has to say about his first day, Cashmere!
Still in shallow mode: [link]
John McCain has weird cheeks. Or he's storing nuts for winter.
I am amusing myself with the notion that Levi found out he was getting married when he heard it on television.
I put my wee man on the SCHOOL BUS this afternoon. ACK! Freaked me right out.
Here let me hug you, Cash. I took my little girl to kindergarten today, so I know how you feel. Although I have to say that I like the school she's at now, like the principal and her kindergarten teacher. They put Frances in the hippie-dippie progressive classroom. I'm not sure how I gave off that vibe but I'm delighted to see it work out this way.
There were pictures too. I'm gonna try to upload some this weekend if I get a chance.
is anyone planning to watch Sons Of Anarchy?
Yes. Whether I want to or not.
Husband Is On a Five-Day Ride Through Canada On A Harley Right Now
Husband Is On a Five-Day Ride Through Canada On A Harley Right Now
I am rather envious of your husband right now, I must say. SoA looks really interesting - one of the writers spent a lot of time with one of the Oakland gangs. Plus, Ron Perlman.
I have a friend whose fiance works on the show!
So, of course, I will be watching.
Hey, could people maybe stop being assish about the company that Jilli and I work for?
There was some discussion of Chrome. Have we discussed Microsoft?