I put my wee man on the SCHOOL BUS this afternoon. ACK! Freaked me right out.
Here let me hug you, Cash. I took my little girl to kindergarten today, so I know how you feel. Although I have to say that I like the school she's at now, like the principal and her kindergarten teacher. They put Frances in the hippie-dippie progressive classroom. I'm not sure how I gave off that vibe but I'm delighted to see it work out this way.
There were pictures too. I'm gonna try to upload some this weekend if I get a chance.
is anyone planning to watch Sons Of Anarchy?
Yes. Whether I want to or not.
Husband Is On a Five-Day Ride Through Canada On A Harley Right Now
Husband Is On a Five-Day Ride Through Canada On A Harley Right Now
I am rather envious of your husband right now, I must say. SoA looks really interesting - one of the writers spent a lot of time with one of the Oakland gangs. Plus, Ron Perlman.
I have a friend whose fiance works on the show!
So, of course, I will be watching.
Hey, could people maybe stop being assish about the company that Jilli and I work for?
There was some discussion of Chrome. Have we discussed Microsoft?
Please stop me from hunting down the commenters on this thread. [link]
Some people really do have tiny lumps of coal where their hearts should be, don't they.
(Note to Dana: DO NOT READ THE LINK)
Please stop me from hunting down the commenters on this thread
I try to have a policy of never looking at comments on a newspaper's online edition. That way lies head explosions. But sometimes it's irrestible.
There was some discussion of Chrome. Have we discussed Microsoft?
I just went back and looked, and Tommyrot included a "Screw you, Microsoft" comment in his post about Chrome. And to back Plei up in this, the tech thread sees a lot of MS-bashing.