I just watched those "never talk to cops" videos. They're pretty amusing and worth watching but it boils down to:
- even if you didn't do whatever they're concerned about at the moment, there are so many laws that there's no way you can be sure that you didn't do anything wrong.
- if you're totally innocent and don't incriminate yourself in any way (even accidentally), that doesn't guarantee the cops will recall your conversation accurately.
- there is absolutely no way it can help you. He specifically explains that the "anything you say can be used against you" thing does not work both ways -- what you told the cop at the time can implicate you, but it can't be used in your defense.
The officer's reasons are simpler:
- people are stupid.
- the police are better at asking questions than you are at answering them.
The funniest part is in the officer's segment, when he asks (as an example) if anyone ever broke the speed limit, and when people raise their hands the lawyer starts shouting "What did I just say about talking to the police?" Which leads to him saying, "People are inherently honest, and that's their downfall."
So, I have this itchy and unattractive rash on my legs. I just realized I should probably take benadryl, but I don't have any. What I do have is generic claritin. Would that do anything? I may try that in the morning -- if I take it now, I'll never sleep tonight. Argh!
My doctor has told me to take claritin for chronic skin allergies, so maybe it sill help in the short term as well?
Wait-- I forgot! He also told me to take it when I was having an antibiotic reaction!
I will try it and hope for the best, I guess. Nothing else to do!
My nape is not bare. And I think the batteries in the camera may be dead.
My nape is bare.
And I think the batteries in the camera may be dead.
Surely the remote can spare a few batteries to capture this moment!
I'm not living in my house at the moment, dearest Hecubus.
I'm not living in my house at the moment, dearest Hecubus.
What about stealing batteries from somebody else then?
Stealing is okay in this instance, I'm pretty sure.
ijs, the momentous Dana-foregoes-long-hair haircut lead to the prettiest Dana pictures ever.
Oatmeal bath, Jesse? FTR, anytime I do get a bit more sun than I should, it gets a little rashy. Not benadryl worthy, but that's only for a slight tan. I moisturize like hell and get grumbly.
Frustrates me because I do look better with a wee bit of color. However, I'm being careful because I already have enough sun damage on my face, and 17 years at 4K ft at southerly latitudes shows. I did not inherit enough of my father's dark-swede-tanning-not-wrinkling skin (at least not on my upper half. Arms and legs do ok.) I got more of mom's freckly sun-averse irish mutt skin. Josh got Dad's.