I thought you were growing your hair?
The thrill wore off quickly. Requires maintenance this way. Did I mention tired? And I have physical therapy this afternoon, which means no running home and hiding.
I don't know if I cam blame the dog turds, but when's the last time one did anything nice for me?
Yeah, I got a bunch of those in my spam box. Then I read about it. That never happens (that I get the virus before hearing about it).
I got [what I believe to be] an actual one right before I got this memo, which was weird.
I've seen a gazillion of those alerts over the past few days. I delete them - when you have a series of them, all purporting to be from the same place with the same "urgent" subject line, does your mind go to "ooh! must read now!" or "yeah, spam, delete and find a REAL message".
As to hair ... I pay a lot. Color and cut at a fancy-schmancy salon. But it's good color and a really great cut. In between, I don't have to do much with my hair, so I don't mind too much (once the initial shock wore off).
I got highlights and a cut yesterday for $100. You were totally spoiled.
I've seen that, it was suspicious that there were about a hundred in my inbox.
Yeah. They make it look like alerts from CNN or MSNBC. I knew I hadn't subscribed to any....
I've gotten a TON of those in just the past 2 weeks! I delete them all, because, like everyone else, I hadn't subscribed to any.
Timelies all!
My last haircut cost me $18 Canadian. (A friend was cutting hair at a con in Toronto, with the proceeds going to a fund for filkers)
I need a hair cut, too. I liked it when I got it cut 2 months ago, but it quickly turned super boring.
I keep thinking I have a haircut appt this month.
month. Can't get my brain to retain that information. And it isn't as if I am feeling like I need it cut yet.
I have a haircut scheduled for Saturday! YAYS. I am trying to decide what direction I should go in - the latest styling ethos has been "fuck it, I have a wave in my hair and I'm too tired to blow it out."
This last haircut was just awful, but I don't know that I should be surprised, since I got it walking between the Best Buy and the Linens and Things. But it was summer, and I was hot, so a cut happened.
Note to hairdressers: When making aghast faces behind the client's back, please remember that you are in a room filled with mirrors! I'm standing right here!
So what was supposed to be the funky cut ended up being this weird thing that looked like a mullet when the long front strands went behind my ears. Oh, well.
But I really need it cut again before I'm back in school. I am, contradictorily, thinking about just getting a conservative cut. Which is what I should have done before a summer of talking to conservative people, but I couldn't make myself do it. I dunno. Hair is hard.