"I'm just saying that when a majority [of the crew] is female, sometimes certain kinds of unsanctioned behaviour or something else occurs."
If people are engaging in "unsanctioned behavior" during re-entry, I think they're too stupid to be astronauts.
Random pharmeceutical question: Is it bad that I take one aleve and/or 2-4 advil pretty much every day?
You'd have to use these little shims, which is where you get the phrase "Shimmy me baby, with a back boogie nine."
That whole paragraph made me wibbly, but I may have to take an extra-long lunch to run home and reward you for that single line, o my dearest.
Sometimes the onion on your belt (which was the fashion at the time) would get caught in the press and everybody would cry and laugh and oh, it was good times.
That was back when "20" was replaced with "dickety"?
Random pharmeceutical question: Is it bad that I take one aleve and/or 2-4 advil pretty much every day?
...that's all? (And that's a serious question.) Only 1 aleve per day? And/or only 2-4 advil PER DAY?
If so, you're fine.
t edit
I should add: *if* your stomach gets weird, those *might* be the cause. HOWEVER, I'm *not* saying that daily aleve/advil *will* cause stomach weirdness; I'm saying that *if* you have stomach weirdness, the drugs *might* be the cause.
That was back when "20" was replaced with "dickety"?
Yeah, back in nineteen-dickety-nine.
ION, I'm thinking of opening my Tom Waits Bus Tour with the introduction Mike Douglas used when Tom was on the show in 1976: "He's a combination poet, jazz singer and vagrant with a surprising amount of personal charm."
Or maybe that's just how I'll start introducing MM at parties.
...that's all? (And that's a serious question.) Only 1 aleve per day? And/or only 2-4 advil PER DAY?
If so, you're fine.
Yeah, that's all. And that's what I figured. But, you know, it's not like it's a daily vitamin.
My coworkers were totally on my case about not going to the doctor yesterday, and one of them recommended her doctor's office by saying they would give me any meds I wanted. Dude, I don't want meds! And I don't know that I want that in a doctor! (They were saying I should be getting an annual physical and annual mole check at the very least, but meh. I don't have anything wrong with me!)
Is it bad that I take one aleve and/or 2-4 advil pretty much every day?
I'm nowhere near expert enough to guess on whether there would be nasty side effects. But I'd suggest seeing a doctor for such persistent pain (if that's why you're taking it, and if you haven't seen a doctor already).
Oh, it's just usually a vague headache or something, no big deal.