Is it bad that I take one aleve and/or 2-4 advil pretty much every day?
I'm nowhere near expert enough to guess on whether there would be nasty side effects. But I'd suggest seeing a doctor for such persistent pain (if that's why you're taking it, and if you haven't seen a doctor already).
Oh, it's just usually a vague headache or something, no big deal.
I take an Aleve before bed. It offsets the jim-jams from the Lexapro and I find I wake up much less sore than I used to.
That being said, I think a Cowgirl should go to the Doc once a year whether she needs it or not.
My doctor friend is forever putting me on full-time ibuprofen. I'm on it now for wonky knee.
My doctor friend is forever putting me on full-time ibuprofen. I'm on it now for wonky knee.
I'm permanently on 2-4 Advils per day, what with all the joint and muscle wonkiness.
Eww eww eww! A Hungarian weightlifter dislocated his elbow, and turned it backwards.
Not linking to a picture, because I'm not ita.
Yikes. Yeah, that's something I don't want to see.
Ooh - someone left a PeaPod truck in front of our building, keys in the ignition and engine running....
Ooh - someone left a PeaPod truck in front of our building, keys in the ignition and engine running....
PeaPod crime spree with tommyrot! Who's in? Shotgun!