Anatoly Perminov, the head of the Russian Federal Space Agency, speculated that the ballistic reentry was connected to a Russian nautical superstition that having more women than men on a craft was unlucky.
It's about being closer to the earth, isn't it.
The phrase had some countercultural meaning, right?
Yes, it was used ironically to say you did not want to be chewed up in The Man's Evil Machine.
Do Not Fold, Spindle or Mutilate
I just had to look "spindle" up in the dictionary.
Which is extra note-worthy, in a way, considering the topic of conversation.
Yes, it was used ironically to say you did not want to be chewed up in The Man's Evil Machine.
Kind of the, "Don't tase me, bro!" of its era.
Well, it *was* Ohio....
When I was in school we had to handset every paper with moveable type! Yeah, we'd be standing around the printing press, with our trays of Gothic 12 pt type, setting our papers on the fly and drinking Dr. Phosphor's TwoFold Prune Tonic. Oh you couldn't believe the tricks we did with kerning back then. You'd have to use these little shims, which is where you get the phrase "Shimmy me baby, with a back boogie nine." Sometimes the onion on your belt (which was the fashion at the time) would get caught in the press and everybody would cry and laugh and oh, it was good times.
"I'm just saying that when a majority [of the crew] is female, sometimes certain kinds of unsanctioned behaviour or something else occurs."
If people are engaging in "unsanctioned behavior" during re-entry, I think they're too stupid to be astronauts.
Random pharmeceutical question: Is it bad that I take one aleve and/or 2-4 advil pretty much every day?
You'd have to use these little shims, which is where you get the phrase "Shimmy me baby, with a back boogie nine."
That whole paragraph made me wibbly, but I may have to take an extra-long lunch to run home and reward you for that single line, o my dearest.
Sometimes the onion on your belt (which was the fashion at the time) would get caught in the press and everybody would cry and laugh and oh, it was good times.
That was back when "20" was replaced with "dickety"?
Random pharmeceutical question: Is it bad that I take one aleve and/or 2-4 advil pretty much every day?
...that's all? (And that's a serious question.) Only 1 aleve per day? And/or only 2-4 advil PER DAY?
If so, you're fine.
t edit
I should add: *if* your stomach gets weird, those *might* be the cause. HOWEVER, I'm *not* saying that daily aleve/advil *will* cause stomach weirdness; I'm saying that *if* you have stomach weirdness, the drugs *might* be the cause.