As a result, I'm typing these words with earplugs.
That's enterprising. How's it work, do you have them attached to your fingertips or something?
I generally cheer against the Americans (sorry, but it's true), but it's hard not to like Michael Phelps.
Yeah, me too, mostly because they're commonly competing against the Aussies. But I'm still cheering for Phelpsy. Oh, and calling him Phelpsy, apparently.
Now I've started cheering for the Chinese too, since my in-laws all live there. (Funnily enough, the Chinese are not usually competing against the Aussies, in any meaningful sense anyway. Like, we finished sixth in the women's gymnastics, and that's the best we've ever done. I can feel good about that regardless of who takes the medals.)
Also - didn't the American women's gymnastics team just seem completely glum?
The difference between the Chinese and the Americans on the floor exercises was pretty stark. Of course, the Chinese went into it with a healthy cushion to take the pressure off, but their routines were so much more fun and playful.
I read a blog last night of someone that seemed very knowledgeable about gymnastics and he was saying that the americans seemed like they were overtrained. i have to agree.
I saw that blog (if it's the one Sumi linked) but it didn't really explain anything to me. It was sort of "they're overtrained, so they're making mistakes, which is how you can tell they're overtrained."
As a result, I'm typing these words with earplugs.
That's enterprising. How's it work, do you have them attached to your fingertips or something?
No, silly, she means the words have earplugs.
"they're overtrained, so they're making mistakes, which is how you can tell they're overtrained."
If that's the case, I'm extremely overtrained at gymnastics.
Allyson - how about a cherimoya or atamoya (sp?). They're firm enough to do some damage, obscure enough that it would throw some education in, and their appearance is pretty interesting.
In animal news - Nova last night had a show on cuttlefish. They're fascinating animals! and, seemingly, wicked smart. Also - they do a kind of light show with their coloring (bands of light and dark pulsing down their bodies and tentacles) that seemingly hypnotizes their prey.
More Olympics:
On the gymnastics, I wish they would tell you the difficulty ratings on the routines upfront as a matter of course, as well as explain a bit more about what goes into that.
Re the medal count discussion yesterday - American stations that I've seen are listing them by total medal count, not heaviest gold take first. Wonder why?
I was actually wondering if they would put the US at the top of the list even if we were actually in the middle of the rankings.
Nova last night had a show on cuttlefish.
Chicks dig cuttlefish!
t /Billy and Mandy
For the record: cherimoya.