what is your dissertation about?
The title is: Dynamics of Data Traffic in Communication Networks.
If he heard of Linked - these are the sort of networks we're working with, Scale-Free networks. We're working on a model, no specific network (even though the internet is, of course, the most obvious network to talk about). The topological structure of these networks was extensively studied in the last decade, and I was trying to at least begin to see how that structure affects the flow of information on the network.
"Linked" is actually a popular science book, completely accessible even to people without any knowledge in SCIENCE (is it still funny if I have no idea if I'm using it right?), and quite a good one - my mom was thrilled when I gave her the Hebrew translation as a present, because she really wanted to have a better idea about what I study. My supervisor was the scientific editor of the Hebrew version, and some of the older students here are even mentioned in the book.
(Oh, and it's so sweet of mr. flea to be interested. Thanks.)
I have nothing to add on the topic of Canada.
[Edited because sometimes little punctuation marks are important.
Also, Allyson, backflung.]
Keep going, Nilly! You can do it!
So in casual conversation it was discovered that Draconian Dictator would probably not like it if I started dressing even more "gothic". Seems he would be potentially bothered by "Neo-Victorian Goth"; however, it doesn't violate our dress code. I am looking forward to testing this theory.
I'm just crazy.
Repeats what Cass said!
Also, due to you, I got on that facebook thing and was basically ignoring it. And one of my fellow college Saras just found me!
And he has a PhD - in SCIENCE! (Which is an American public-radio-based joke that you will not get, but funny, trust me.)
& Nilly, thanks for sharing! I love hearing about peoples' research. Even when I barely get it (see: my brother's cancer research) I think half the fun is watching the other person getting to share something they know really well. (Even if they are half sick of it by now, as I know I was with my undergrad thesis.)
I want to read Nilly's diss. And not just because she's Nilly.
This is just infuriating (it involves the death of a child, so I'll whitefont for those who don't want to be infuriated):
Baltimore police have obtained warrants charging four more members of what authorities call a religious cult in the death of 2-year-old Javon Thompson, whose body was found in May in a suitcase in Philadelphia. The warrants bring the number of people charged in the boy's death to five.
Police say the five suspects belonged to a small group of adults and children who operated for a time in East and West Baltimore. Police allege that the victim's mother, Ria Ramkissoon, 21, the first to be charged with murder, and others neglected Javon and allowed the boy to starve to death because they thought he was a demon for not saying amen after he was fed, according to police charging documents.
Thanks, Gadget_Girl! Also, good luck with testing your theory.
I want to read Nilly's diss
"Linked" is really good.
However, actually - I was wondering if it won't be too much, to post the abstract (um, once it's finished, of course, so only tomorrow) here, and ask for the most severe strict English editing possible (seeing as that's the first thing being read, and in some cases, the only one).
See, it's fun!
Actually, it's more "ok, how the fuck's this work?" Not that it stops me, but I've got a primal resistance thing happening.
Not too much at all, Nilly. And we won't even put any porn in. Most of us.