Hong Kong IS China.
Oh, duh. Forgot that it is now, in the reading about the weirdness of quarantine and that being the reason for having dressage and evening being waaaaay off elsewhere. I just thought that was so sad--apparently hardly any of the equestrians went to the opening ceremonies because they would've had to fly there and back and lose days of training!
"I'm gonna love him, and squeeze him and call him George."
And here I was hoping for George Clooney. sigh.
Well, if you were in showjumping or dressage you might have gone but I'm sure that the eventers didn't bother. (Because day 1 of eventing was Saturday and it started at 6:30 am.)
(Because day 1 of eventing was Saturday and it started at 6:30 am.)
Yeah, with those hours, they might not have gone even if it were next door. Pageantry is one thing, but people tend to be very protective of their competition prep routines.
"I'm gonna love him, and squeeze him and call him George."
This is how my laptop got his name.
I knew it was Bugs Bunny, but I didn't know it was (more) literary on top of it. Kind of creepy, now, too. If what I remember of the fate of the little fuzzy things is correct.
Yeah, those old cartoons totally went there sometimes. Which is why they still rock so hard.
Since we're talking about the Olympics ....
Hi Nilly! I'm moving next week so I'm up to eyeballs in boxes but, other than that, I'm okay. How are you?
Oh, good luck with the move! I hope it will be quick and easy and minimal-stress-y.
How are you?
Sleepless and whiny.
I'm supposed to hand in my dissertation on Thursday. Well, I was supposed to hand it in two weeks ago, but my computer had so many troubles and malfunctions, that my supervisor managed to get me a sorely-needed extension. Which ends on Thursday. And, yes, the computer still hates me.
I can whine some more. I hope you're not sorry you asked.