I only sing in my head. Unless I'm 100% sure that I'm completely and entirely alone. I'm pretty sure the Geneva convention has that as a clause somewhere, in the fine print, as a human basic right to not hear me sing.
Well, once I sang quietly to a baby I cradled, and his mom happened to get into the room, and I was so in love with the baby that I didn't notice. She said that the thought that until he grew up he might recover from the trauma.
Martha Wash
Was she the "Everybody Dance Now" vocalist?
rooster = cocorico
Is it Ethiopia (and possibly other places) where it something like kukulu?
Why is grocery store muzak always so singable? I got Rick-rolled by grocery muzak a couple months ago and I was laughing the whole time. Good thing I tend to shop late at night when there are fewer people around.
Was she the "Everybody Dance Now" vocalist?
Yes. She was also one of the Weather Girls of "It's Raining Men" fame!
I was talking to my brother last night who told me that he and the boys are going to be going to a Cubs/Phillies game when they're out here at the end of the month. I told him that if the Cubs win, make sure they do not leave early, because Wrigley Field breaks out into song ("Go Cubs, Go" by Steve Goodman) after a win. After I fininshed talking to him, I was earwormed, so I sang the song to my cat while she was snuggled on top of me for some petting.
She gave a rather perturbed look, but she let me finish.
OMG- crying with laughter!
(Yeah, I've been caught singing in the middle of Safeway.)
Publix plays oldies in the background that are the most singable and most ear-wormable songs of my youth. Not only do I find myself singing along, fortunately quietly, but it also sometimes takes several hours to get "Hooked on a Feeling" out of my head.
I sing all the time home. My day is one long dysfunctional medley. The dog seems resigned.
BWAH! That belongs on the Fail Blog.