I'm going to say that singing out loud inside any place that is not designed for singing is a Bad Idea.
At least in most places, you can get away from the singer. If you're stuck on a cardio machine or in a waiting room or on a plane? Hell.
(Yeah, I've been caught singing in the middle of Safeway.)
I have a friend whose niece sings and dances up and down the aisles of Trader Joe's. She's five - it sounds cute.
Sure it's cute. Until someone loses an eye.
I like singing in the supermarket.
But then, I know I can sing. Still, someone who's just entertaining themselves singing quietly along with the muzack is different from someone attempting to audition for American Idol when the judges are in the next county.
Also, singing at work is evil.
I sing under my breath a fair amount, but mostly until I realize I look like Muriel of "Muriel's Wedding."
My iPod has turned me into one of those people who sings out loud with earphones on. And I am not great at staying on pitch. It's embarrassing to realize.
I only sing in my head. Unless I'm 100% sure that I'm completely and entirely alone. I'm pretty sure the Geneva convention has that as a clause somewhere, in the fine print, as a human basic right to not hear me sing.
Well, once I sang quietly to a baby I cradled, and his mom happened to get into the room, and I was so in love with the baby that I didn't notice. She said that the thought that until he grew up he might recover from the trauma.
Martha Wash
Was she the "Everybody Dance Now" vocalist?
rooster = cocorico
Is it Ethiopia (and possibly other places) where it something like kukulu?
Why is grocery store muzak always so singable? I got Rick-rolled by grocery muzak a couple months ago and I was laughing the whole time. Good thing I tend to shop late at night when there are fewer people around.
Was she the "Everybody Dance Now" vocalist?
Yes. She was also one of the Weather Girls of "It's Raining Men" fame!