Susan, the clerk was probably talking about "fall colors" in the context of what colors have been deemed "IN" for the fall 2008 fashion season.
I realized that, though looking back at my post I see that wasn't clear. It's just that she didn't grasp my excitement that this was a color I hadn't seen in YEARS, rather than one that shows up every year around this time.
And in response, I guess Alaskans are looking to new political models: [link]
I wouldn't vote for some artsy coffee-shop elitist even if he could fetch federal grants or dig up new solutions to city problems.
Shocking! Bennigan's and Steak and Ale going out of business!
Good luck with Google Shrift!
Steak and Ale was still in business?
It was here. I didn't know that the two restaurants were owned by the same company and based in Texas.
Steak and Ale disappeared from here a long time ago. I sort of liked them, they were dark and had a lot of walls.