But if she explicitly condoned it, I wouldn't call it cheating.
And if she copped to it in THIS country and Edwards was the nominee, the Republicans would probably have had all the fuel they'd need to win, because those aren't 'murican values. Apparently, we don't care if you call your wife the C-word, however. She was probably just being uppity anyway.
Sorry, for me, at this point, anything that keeps Republicans in significant power = morally wrong to me, but that's just my opinion.
And if she copped to it in THIS country and Edwards was the nominee, the Republicans would probably have had all the fuel they'd need to win, because those aren't 'murican values.
Oh, definitely. No way The American People would elect someone with a non-monogamous marriage.
Apparently, we don't care if you call your wife the C-word, however. She was probably just being uppity anyway.
Yeah, don't get me started on that one.
Sorry, for me, at this point, anything that keeps Republicans in significant power = morally wrong to me, but that's just my opinion.
And anything that lets the Republicans keep their monopoly over what gets counted as a "moral" issue = especially loathesome.
My Edwards feelings have nothing to do with his sexual habits. But I need to not rant that rant here any more.
I mean granted, both of those are "privacy of your home issues". I just hate the double-freakin' standard (and I'm not 100% sure if it's male/female or Dem/Rep or some intricate cross-breeding of the two, and I suspect that if McCain got caught in an affair right now, it wouldn't get half the howls of protest that even Edwards has, let alone if it was Obama - that is, unless it was an affair of teh gay sort).
Opening ceremonies!
To be honest, I wasn't going to watch, but then I saw the pictures.
To be honest, I wasn't going to watch, but then I saw the pictures.
Dude, yes. I caught a bunch of the parade of nations stuff online this morning (which is
and the torch lighting (which is
but I missed all the cultural stuff in the photos and now I have to remember how to watch the live real-time kind of TV.
... and OMG
eta: over-the-air HD ftw!
I mean, all those
This fast internet is dangerous. Tonight I downloaded GoogleEarth and have been playing with that. Plus some music, which I used to do sparingly because it was so slow.
I wanna know what the piece of music was that they used during the voice over that opened the telecast at 7:30. Very Carmina Burana/Mars in feel.