children with both prenatal and postnatal cellphone exposure were 80 per cent more likely to have abnormal or borderline scores on tests evaluating emotional problems, conduct problems, hyperactivity, or problems with peers.
Maybe it's just 'cause their parents are on the phone all the time, instead of, I don't know, parenting.
Congrats, shrift!
Former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards on Friday admitted to an extramarital affair while his wife was battling cancer. He denied fathering the woman's daughter.
If I'd had any regrets about him washing out of the primaries, that news would have made them evaporate.
The researchers made exactly that point in their paper, megan. They just a correlation; they can't say what it's caused by.
So, RF from cell phones is dangerous, right? Not so fast. As the authors write, "We have no known biologic mechanisms to explain these associations, and confounding by unmeasured causes of behavioral problems could have produced these results."
I just find the American puritanical attitude toward extramarital sex ridiculous. I realize that I am in the minority and to most Americans (or at least the media) it is vitally important. YAWN
I don't consider something a lie when the subject was absolutely none of my business in the first place.
It's not the extramarital sex or even the fact that it happened while Elizabeth was having a recurrence of the cancer-- for all we know, she knew of the affair and maybe even condoned it. (I've certainly heard of that happening before-- and it winds up being something that saves marriages ultimately.)
It's the sheer foolishness of the timing that I can't get over. It's like "Dude, use your head! The one between your shoulders!"
Eh, corproate execs defrauding the pensions of people I don't know and will never meet isn't any of my business either, strictly speaking. Doesn't prevent me from regarding them as scum when the news breaks.
I'm with Barb--it's the stupidity that burns. When the Lewinsky thing blew up on Bill Clinton, I was more pissed that he couldn't keep it zipped for eight years than I was he had the affair (fling/blow job/whatever) at all. Show a little intelligence, man!
Tamara, I agree with the anti-puritanism and yet...
He was having the affair or doing the cheating, and stopped. And there were tons of rumors out there about it - meaning it would have been exposed eventually. And you lie about it and run anyway? What if he'd won the nomination and then it came out? President McCain ...
That is not a trivial risk. And Edwards was not just risking himself. President McCain would mean a significantly worse U.S. and a significantly worse world. That is a risk he had no right to take.
What if he'd won the nomination and then it came out? President McCain ...
That's where I get pissed off. PRIORITIES, dammit.
Typo Boy, I agree with you on the stupid. He was stupid for lying about it and continuing to run. But, the reason we would have to worry about a President McCain in that case is because Americans are irrationally concerned and judgmental about who is sleeping with who. As a society we somehow feel betrayed by a man sleeping around. Why do we feel betrayed? He didn't cheat on us.
And Matt, your Enron example is our business because it defrauds the public at large since that affected energy prices and the stock market. The CEO sleeping with his admin is none of our business.