Nilly, I am a fan of denial, personally. So until I get more information, I am pretty much pretending none of this has happened. We'll see--there's a teleconference tomorrow where I'll hear from some of the people at Big Giant Company who are affected more quickly than I am (They have to make a decision about a lay off package within the next month or so) so that should be interesting. Depending on what they all end up doing, it'll affect my workload a lot over the next couple months. Which'll affect how much I like my job, and how quickly I go "Eep, get me out of here" either to another part of my company or to a whole other place, etc etc.
But meanwhile, hoping nothing changes for a while. Ahem.
Yay STUFF, Dana! So much nicer to have your own stuff around you. Makes it feel like home...
Also good: am at LAX and got a two-hours-earlier flight, so shoudl get to Seattle at 7pm instead of 9pm. YAY.