I think it's up to the landlord to either make a parking space for you or else to lower your rent to compensate you for not having a parking space. I'm not all that good at backing up, so having a restricted space to try to get out of would cause me a whole lot of stress by itself, so I kind of commiserate with K, who is also getting screwed by the landlady with her "park on the side in the back" solution.
(I actually still have my rented parking space, which I use about half the time now, because I'm using my car every damn day with school -- it used to sit unused for a couple days at a time. But getting another rental space would take about a dozen years, so I'm still paying for it because I have faith I'll go back to a schedule of commuting by T.)
Seems ridic to me. Lots of room. But she insists she cannot get in
Is it crazy to offer that for the rest of the time that the truck is still there, K will park on the side, and you will park in her place? If you have no problem getting out, and there is a properly good place to park for her, no tickets or fees, could you switch for a while?
Or is it too tense now to even offer this sort of solution?
[Edited in order to differentiate between "part" and "park". Oh, those little final letters in those little words.]
Allyson, where does K get off thinking that you are causing the problem here? That is what I don't understand.
Ginger, I'm sorry the situation that person put you through was so annoying that it required using harsh language.
I'm not saying I don't do my share of swearing. I just try not to swear at strangers, service people and children, at least where they can hear me. Of course, I'm feeling less sorry since he said he'd call me back in 15 minutes and it's been almost two hours.
eta: K frankly sounds a little psycho, particularly the blocking you in part.
She's lived there forever, and is way territorial about the parking spot. Other than that, she's been crazy nice to me.
Sounds like the "crazy" part is about right. Sheesh.
The hotel, for some reason, has the Game Show Network, and I've got a rerun of "Let's Make a Deal" on while I work.
This was kind of a sadistic show.
Other than that, she's been crazy nice to me.
then get everyone together -- With K's help you maybe able to push the landlord a bit. and talking all together might help K refocus. And there may be a solution you haven't thought of
I have dsl! And I already think I fucked up a password, so I don't know for how long!
Have your browser guess what gender you are: [link]
Hee. I get a 71% probability of being male from my computer's browsing history. But the website to which it accords the highest male:female ratio is a Chinese news site that Wallybee visits. Apparently she's made a man of me.