Ginger, I'm sorry the situation that person put you through was so annoying that it required using harsh language.
msbelle, I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. Fingers crossed that the damage is minimal and things are sorted out as easily and quickly as possible.
We've just moved to the land of $540-a-month daycare (from the land of $1000-1200), and I loooove it. Maybe not quite enough to have another child to take advantage of it, though. Also, after-school care is $6 a day, for 2:30-6:00! Let's hear it for small college towns in the south!
It' from the workmen cutting a whole in the ceiling to fix the source of the leak. They tossed my bathmats over the things I had removed from the sink (including our toothbrushes!). Then poorly taped up some plastic over the hole in the ceiling. I guess the upstairs neighbors walking around or something jostled more ceiling loose and the plastic came down with all the debris.
I am just removing everything from the bathroom except for some things I'll put into the tub, then put my own tarp over it.
Now I need to go clean out the shower so mac can wash later. I had to take a break from the cleaning to get dinner.
My bitter goes to 11.
msbelle, I'm sorry you have to deal with this.
ION, pulling up carpet is still NO fun. I think I first bitched in Bitches. DH and I will soon start putting in the new dinning room/kitchen floor. But first we have to pull up the glued down indoor/outdoor carpet. work
My landlord collects cars. Dead cars. When a car dies, it comes to rest at my apartment building. Because of this, there are only two empty places to park. One is occupied by my neighbor, K. The other is supposed to be mine.
When Colin moved out, my landlord moved her recently deceased brother's truck into my spot. And there it lives, as she has no room for it at her house, and has nowhere to put it until the truck is out of probate.
So she said, "you can just park on the side of the house for now."
And I said, "ok." Because I was truly okay with that. Not a prob at all.
But then my neighbor K knocks on my door and says that it is not okay, because she cannot get into her space when I am parked on the side. Seems ridic to me. Lots of room. But she insists she cannot get in, and so I can only park there between certain times and certain days.
I tell landlord. Landlord insists there's no place to put the truck, please be patient.
I am ten minutes late getting my car out one morning, and K blocks the driveway to teach me a lesson. I end up moving a dumpster to pull my car out by the next door building's lot, through their driveway.
So K knocks on my door two days later to tell me how pissed she is at me, and that I can no longer park in back, despite what landlord says. I say fine, since I do not want to have a huge issue with my neighbor.
I work until late at night, which means there's barely any parking when I get home, so I park far away. I go to the gym at 6:30, get back at 7:30, and only have a half hour to shower and get my ass out the door to work...40 minutes early after working late the night before.
So I have paid $110 dollars in parking tix this month for being on the street cleaning side after 8am.
This is seriously fucking with my life. It's causing me to lose sleep, pay extra money, and I'm also paying for a parking spot that I don't have.
I just called landlord to say that I've had to pay two parking tix and K says I can't park in back anymore. We need to either get rid of the truck, or one of the half a dozen dead cars and motorcycles that are taking up the parking lot.
This is made harder by the fact that I do not have a lease. It's all weirdly hippie-verbal. I've only been there for a few months, and I'm causing all these problems and tension with my neighbor and landlord.
I don't know what else to do.
have landlord and K over for tea
make everyone talk face to face
I think it's up to the landlord to either make a parking space for you or else to lower your rent to compensate you for not having a parking space. I'm not all that good at backing up, so having a restricted space to try to get out of would cause me a whole lot of stress by itself, so I kind of commiserate with K, who is also getting screwed by the landlady with her "park on the side in the back" solution.
(I actually still have my rented parking space, which I use about half the time now, because I'm using my car every damn day with school -- it used to sit unused for a couple days at a time. But getting another rental space would take about a dozen years, so I'm still paying for it because I have faith I'll go back to a schedule of commuting by T.)
Seems ridic to me. Lots of room. But she insists she cannot get in
Is it crazy to offer that for the rest of the time that the truck is still there, K will park on the side, and you will park in her place? If you have no problem getting out, and there is a properly good place to park for her, no tickets or fees, could you switch for a while?
Or is it too tense now to even offer this sort of solution?
[Edited in order to differentiate between "part" and "park". Oh, those little final letters in those little words.]
Allyson, where does K get off thinking that you are causing the problem here? That is what I don't understand.
Ginger, I'm sorry the situation that person put you through was so annoying that it required using harsh language.
I'm not saying I don't do my share of swearing. I just try not to swear at strangers, service people and children, at least where they can hear me. Of course, I'm feeling less sorry since he said he'd call me back in 15 minutes and it's been almost two hours.
eta: K frankly sounds a little psycho, particularly the blocking you in part.