day person
I don't know, I kinds enjoy the thought that everybody walking around outside during the middle of the day just plays hooky and each and every one of them wonders secretly what everybody else is doing outside, while this everybody-else wonders the very same thing.
Day care is not exactly cheap.
Here, there are several mothers I know who pretty much only manage to cover day care with their salaries, give or take a bit (usually when there's more than one child involved). It's crazy.
That's why we only have part time daycare, although that will change once Franny starts school (but aftercare is cheaper than daycare).
How much is daycare these days?
It varies wildly megan, from 1000+ to much less, like 600 or so.
I'm assuming that's per month, right?
I'm having a very Yosemite Sam during medieval times sort of day. You know, "Dragons is soooo stupid!" sort of day.
AKA, a headdesking day.
We pay $640 every 4 weeks and are blessed to have such inexpensive and wonderful care. I dropped N off today after OT and there was only one other kid there. The day care I really wanted N and G to go to was about $1600/child for full time care.
The day care I really wanted N and G to go to was about $1600/child for full time care.
Jeez, that's about the same as having an
au pair.
I did not mean to say "fucking" to the repair person, but he was supposed to be here Monday afternoon and when I finally called him at the end of the day, he said, "Oh, I thought it was Tuesday." Uh, no. Then yesterday he got here at the end of the day, worked for a while, then said he needed a new part and he'd come back this afternoon. I just called him and he said he was running late, and besides, he didn't have the part. That's when I said I couldn't wait for him every fucking afternoon. Oops.