Wow, Typo, that's appalling. What were these people, raised by wolves who finally threw their paws up in the air and walked away snarling, "I give up"?
Now you know why I love it when Dr. House is so rude.
But, but, how will you people ever educate us and make us better, nobler humans if you're not all sweet and magical? Because that's totally your job.
Thankfully all I got was teased when I spent a few months on a cane. Which is good, because I was about to snap the whole time.
My coworker just sent me The YES Dance to cheer me up [link]
Not safe for any workplace that isn't mine.
Yay! I got a small raise, a possible bonus, and promised a promotion by the end of the year. I guess no one else notices how much time I spend screwing around.
Congrats, Tamara! It must be productive screwing around.
Congrats Tamara. And Erika - yeah that is what I was wondering: so you have to go through this shit all the time? Usually I think of myself as unshockable. But freakin grown people go out of their way to be rude to people with disabilities? I mean I expected to magically turn invisible to a lot people, but actual remarks? That surprised me.
It is geeky screwing around and that does help to inform my job, so maybe it is productive if you look at it right. And squint.
Oh, how strange. Here it's in pretty much every supermarket, in little paper bags, like baking powder.
Hee. Baking powder doesn't come in little paper bags here, either. It comes in cardboard canisters, usually. I had to make some notes in my grandmothers cookbook about how much baking powder is in "1 baking powder" or how much vanilla sugar is in "1 vanilla sugar."
My dad is back in the US. Storms in Chicago, Dallas and El Paso are delaying him getting home, but he's no longer incommunicado in Mongolia!
Day=long. Install finished early after one major glitch. Time will tell. Still nervous.
Oh & of course they tried to deliver my dsl stuff today. When I was tied up at the office.