Thanks for the wishes everyone! I have a feeling it's going to be another good year.
That means it's almost (or just after) Toto's birthday too, doesn't it?
Yes! His birthday was on Monday. And like the wonderful mom I am, I had bought him a special treat--which I then forgot to give him until Wednesday.
Happy Birthday vw! And Happy anniversary Barb!
And Nilly... Oh dear. I hope there was a lot of coffee and productivity involved in your white night. Sleep well.
I realized yesterday I have a lot of things I want to do until university start(s?), when I'll have no time to do them. So yesterday I finally made a list, instead of remembering from time to time "oh right! I wanted to do that as well!".
It's long. But it'll make life funner, and better.
And I made a list of the albums I want to have. It's long too. Yay for bus-ride-time. I love long public transportation rides.
Nilly, those are good! I'm worried because N is a squirmy 16 months and all over the place. He's not gonna be happy with sititng on my lap.
kat, I'll plug Travels with Child. Good luck with the travel. I think I'd do a child under 18 months in a plane with less trepidation than a child between 2-4 (which means my kids won't be flying anywhere anytime soon). Definitely check with Stephanie. I think Frisco and Ellie have clocked more air miles than I have already.
I think Noah will do great--the cute is a great advantage.
We have DH's company family picnic this weekend on Sunday. I hope that goes ok. A bouncy house and ice cream--what could possibly go wrong?
Happy bday VW! happy anniversary, Barb! Happy Sysadmin Day to those who qualify!
Cash, I did look at TWC. Just 4 hours with a wiggleworm is DAUNTING. Oddly, I'd rather drive to Ohio.
Does anyone know a site with easy-to-copy engravings, especially (but not necessarily) religious ones?
And can one print on a pergament paper? (I don't know if that's the term for it in English. It's also known as "the paper one can warp sandwiches with, or copy things (like interesting engraving!) from a paper under it").
She Who Plans A Non-Traditional Album Booklet
Hey all, if I quit my job today in a fit of complete frustration, will you all support me financially until I find a new one?
I promise to look REALLY HARD.
Just 4 hours with a wiggleworm is DAUNTING. Oddly, I'd rather drive to Ohio.
Oh, I'd rather have my fingernails yanked out than go with my kids on a plane! Not that my driving experience is that much better (although the kids are starting to get the hang of our 8 hour drive to Indiana).
Allyson, I totally would.