uh...shouldn't it be harder to start a plane than flipping one switch??
There should be a bank of toggle switches with covers on the ceiling, which progressively louder faked powering up sounds as they are flipped. Not only safer, but much cooler. Come to think of it, that would work well in my Honda as well.
...and lights. Each switch should turn a light from red to green.
uh...shouldn't it be harder to start a plane than flipping one switch??
It used to be. But now many jet aircraft have an "auto-start" feature that uses a computer to do all the stuff to start up an engine.
This reminds me - once some mechanics decided to move a 747 to a hanger by starting up its engines and taxiing, despite not being trained to do so. Since they were only taxiing, they only started two of the four engines. Turns out that on the 747, hydraulic power for the brakes comes by default from only one engine... yep, one of the engines they didn't start....
luvz Nilly
FortiSakharof, Berry Sakharof (which I listen to nonstop the past few weeks - even more than to my usual Dulliverse!), Rona Kenan. Katamine is also Israeli (mostly Assaf Tager), but I think more people knows him outside of the land of milk and honey.
Dear god, I know my job isn't your job anymore, but with no formalized training, just me begging for scraps of information, when weird shit happens, I'm going to seek the advice from experts. Of which you are the main one.
So answer my two critical emails already!
sara, your job used to be done by God?
sara, your job used to be done by God?
And you have his or her e-mail address?
Ahahah. If so, how come smiting and infallibility didn't come with the promotion?
I so wish I was in San Francisco now....
Friggin in the Riggin Aboard the Tall Ship USCG Eagle
If you’ve ever enjoyed even a little bit of Joseph Conrad, Patrick O’Brian, Moby Dick, or Pirates of the Caribbean, you really should get down to Pier 30/32 in San Francisco during the next few days to check out the tall ships that are now tied up there. Or, at the very least, be sure to savor the view of them as you drive across the Bay Bridge.
Yesterday the Coast Guard gave me tour of the USCG Eagle, a steel-hulled, three-mast ship that was originally built by the Nazis in 1936. After World War II, the ship was seized as a war prize by the U.S. military. Once in American hands, it was handed over to the Coast Guard for use as a training vessel, and it’s been in use at the Coast Guard Academy ever since.
Lots of pictures. More pictures/info here: Festival of Sail - Parade of Tall Ships Under the Golden Gate Bridge