I bought a new Trader Joe's product last time I was there--Chocotal "the exotic chocolate ice cream experience", aka 4 individual servings of different kinds of chocolate ice cream in a box.
Yummy, but the Costa Rican I had tonight is giving me a headache.
I ate at McDonalds today and IWFG!
I love the Trixie dress but I'm worried about the fit in the waist. I don't really have a waist to speak of--even though it looks like they would definitely fit the girls.
I ate at McDonalds today and IWFG!
Me too! And now I feel much better about it.
I can haz clafouti, yes I can!
MaryM meets LOL.
I have had a blast from the past find me on facebook and it is a good thing.
I am not asleep in bed and that is less good.
McD's Loves the GAYS!
I want to wear a tshirt tomorrow that says, "Bitch, Please!" Or barring tha, one that says, "Seriously? Seriously?!"
Congratulations, Dr. Mr. flea!
Heh. Now I'm remembering that during last year's pride parade, the staff at the Chipotle (owned by McD's) on the corner were all wearing t-shirts that read "¿Homo estas?"
I managed to obliterate my itunes library xml, but have since restored it. Painfully. But it is done!
Now I need to get used to the keyboard. Lots of typos.
I also need to figure out panther entirely. I've figured out the workspaces dealio (which I love, I have them on my unix system) now for the rest. And FINALLY getting my fav picture as background (Vilankulos, Mozmbique at sunrise.)
t pets new laptop. Next up dsl and wireless.
sara, just as an FYI, if you don't know-- there are some weird little tics between Panther and Word 08, if you use it at all.
sara, does this mean you are off dialup?