Sumi's cake link led wonderful internet time sucks other stuff.
The Great White Snark blog has a geeky cake section. The top 5 awful Yoda cakes page (#1) netted this description which I felt was worthy of a comm.
Oh, where to start. 1) Yoda doesn’t actually look like Telly Savalas with a set of big, pointy ears. 2) Yoda does not play hockey. 3) Yoda definitely didn’t go to your college. Even if your college gave him an honorary degree, Yoda still wouldn’t wear your stupid college’s sweatshirt. Yoda doesn’t pander like that.
Health~ma to your dad, Vortex.
Congrats, Dr. Mr. Flea!
Much `ma to your dad, Vortex.
Uh, so by
you mean something other than a form of plastic.
Uh, so by latex you mean something other than a form of plastic.
She means LaTeX, a difficult-to-use software package for writing mathy texts.
Hey, Gud, any pictures of your kids to improve my mood? (goodness, I even make other people's kids all about meMeME)..
Uh, so by latex you mean something other than a form of plastic.
sumi, LaTex [Edit: and Tom, usually it's not that difficult. Other than when suddenly things that were beautifully compiled change their minds or the tutorials don't work. Sigh].
I figured out a way around it, phrasing things differently and in a clumsier way. I can't fight with manuals and tutorials right now.
Well, I've got this and this handy.
Nilly, would like a fishing on the beach pic?
Or, better yet, how about Vortex and ChiKat smiling at you?
-Ma to your dad, Vortex.
Congrats to Dr. Mr. Flea!
The next most recent pics are, Jeez, from Halloween time.